Events Calendar

Rigi Workshop 2024: Exploring Epigenetics
From Sunday 28 January 2024
To Tuesday 30 January 2024

Interdisciplinary insights beyond DNA sequence

The Rigi Workshop 2024 on epigenetics will invite its participants to dive into the intricate mechanisms and implications of epigenetic phenomena. By fostering cross-disciplinary dialogue, the event aims to bridge gaps between different disciplines of epigenetic research. Participants will explore how epigenetics impacts plant breeding, behavioral traits, brain development, evolution, synaptic plasticity, cognition, and neurological disorders. The workshop will offer interdisciplinary approaches to investigating and analyzing societal and technological impacts of epigenetics and will feature lectures delivered by leading experts, group discussions, and sharing of group and individual work in the form of poster and oral presentations.

  • When ?               28 - 30 January 2024
  • Where ?             Hotel Rigi Kulm (Schwytz), one of the most scenic place in Switzerland!
  • For who ?          The workshop is aimed at PhD students and Post-docs in Biology or Medicine, from Swiss research institutions. Master’s students applications are also considered. 
  • ECTS?            Please contact your doctoral school for the accreditation of ECTS which we estimate at 2 ECTS. 
  • Costs ?                The participants only pay a 150.- registration fee that covers workshop, housing and meals.
  • Deadline ?       The deadline to apply is 29 October 2023, with an abstract and a letter of motivation. The places are limited and the organisers will select up to 30 outstanding applicants.
  • Speakers ?       Dr. Etienne Bucher, Dr. Med Semira Gonseth Nusslé, Dr. Ivana Jaric, Dr. Luis Lopez-Molina, Prof. Dr. Isabelle Mansuy
  • Organisers ? Prof. Dr. Irene Adrian-Kalchhauser, PD Dr. Paolo Cinelli, Prof. Dr. Florian Steiner, Caroline Reymond
  • Sponsors?        SCNAT, SGV, LS2, SAMW/ASSM, SGPW, SPSW

The preliminary programme as well as the registration form are available on: 


Location Hotel Rigi Kulm, Switzerland

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