Events Calendar

Zürich Mycology Symposium 2022
Friday 21 January 2022

The Zürich Mycology Symposium 2022 will take place again, but due to the current situation, it will take place with a modified structure combining an on-line and a physical activity occurring at separate times.

The on-line line activity will take place on January 21st via Zoom (the link is in the program

During the morning, seven talks by young scientist working in the field will allow you to grasp the diversity of mycological research in Switzerland. This will be followed by exciting keynote talk by Martin Grube, a leading expert on lichen biology. This activity is open to all and no-pre registration is required.

The second in-person activity will take place on June 10th and will, for once, leave the Zürich area and go abroad. Pilar Junier, Saskia Bindschedler and Daniel Croll kindly volunteered to host this activity at the University of Neuchâtel (whose location with lakeview can compete with the one of Agroscope Wädenswil). For participation, you will need a valid COVID-19 certificate (3G).

The inscription will be open later in the semester and the information updated here: (-> tab 'Registration')  (please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you do not get a confirmation of your registration by e-mail).

A list of motivated speakers is already lined-up for this second half-day. The local organizers ask for a fee of CHF 10 to cover their expenses for the catering during the coffee breaks which will have to be paid on the spot. Lunch will be organized and paid for on an individual basis (the indication of lunch ‚yes/no‘ in the registration helps them in planning the respective catering).


Location Online

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