Events Calendar

Wednesday 19 January 2022

This month, GARDP will be hosting two REVIVE webinars. On 19 January, Valeria Gigante, Bala Subramanian and Daniela Zinzi will discuss the value of target candidate profiles and target product profiles for new antimicrobials. This will be followed by a second webinar on 26 January with presentations and a panel discussion on the technologies and strategies to overcome the challenges of sexually transmitted infections. 
If you have not done so already, you can register an join this year's virtual Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Conference. There will be a keynote presentation from Professor Ramanan Laxminarayan as well as panel discussions and presentations on early drug discovery and clinical development. 

As always, you can read the Antimicrobial Viewpoints, watch recordings of previous webinars and conferences as well as discover new terms in the Antimicrobial Encyclopaedia on the REVIVE website

Location Online

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