Events Calendar

Medical Mycology Trainee Seminar Series
Thursday 10 December 2020, 16:00

The Medical Mycology Trainee Seminar Series provides students, postdocs, clinical trainees, and new faculty (<1 year in position) with a platform to present their work virtually to our global community. Our goal is to highlight the scientifically broad and international medical mycology community by hosting speakers with wide scientific interests and global diversity. Seminars are the second Thursday of the month.

Next seminar: December 10th at 4 pm UK time (5 pm CET, 8 am West Coast, 11 am East Coast, 4 am Friday China, 6 am Friday Australia East Coast).

To attend via zoom, please register here.

Interested in presenting? Submit an abstract (<250 words) here.

Would you like to receive announcements for upcoming talks? Sign up for our mailing list. The global representation of our mailing list will decide how frequently we host talks at the alternative time. 

All details: 

Location Online

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