Events Calendar
The 5th Swiss Young Microbiologists Symposium to be held in person on the 13th of June 2025, at the University Hospital Zurich, is a collaboration between the Institute for Food Safety and Hygiene, University of Zurich, the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Swiss Society for Food Hygiene (SGLH), and the University Hospital Zurich.
This unique event targets undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate, and postdoc researchers from Switzerland in all fields of microbiology. The symposium aims to enhance data exchange and improve early-career scientists' presentation skills by affording them a platform to share their project ideas and latest results. Participants will get input and feedback from peers improving their presentation skills and getting new insights to enhance their research. We hope that this event will further encourage and foster networking, collaboration, data exchange, and resource sharing. For continuing education, Prof. Adrian Egli will participate in an interactive keynote interview on the topic of "Microbiology and Society".
Awards: six presenter prizes for the oral and poster sessions will be awarded to the best presenters as defined by a jury (1st place: 300 CHF each, plus certificate and annual ASM membership). At the end, there will be an open-ended mixer to further network.
Be part of this unique symposium uniting young microbiologists throughout Switzerland.
Participation is FREE! Tea break snacks and lunch will be provided! You can register with or without an abstract.
Abstract submission deadline is the 9th of May 2025. Attendance registration deadline is the 10th of June 2025. All submitted abstracts will undergo a review process by the Abstract Selection Committee. Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by May 16th, 2025.
Abstract Submission:
Registration:register here!